I have ulcers on my tonsils... arrrrgh.... oh and I got slightly bored with the 30 day challenge. I like the fredom of being able to write about what I want and when I feel like so mu apologies everyone, I shall probably resume with that soon but for now..... My son stars his first day of school tomorrow!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! He only turned 4 in July!! OMG... I spent ages ironing in name tags into all his uniform and P.E. kit. I am currently charging the camera for photos...
On another note, I am also starting school.....well a fashion and photography makeup course anyway... I am soon to be an officially qualified MUA!!! Wooop! I got my insurance sorted over the weekend as I am doing a weding on saturday the 11th. A bride, Mother of the bride and 2 bridesmaids makeup! I'm quite nervous as it's my first official job eeeeeeeeee!
I have also been giving the elf products I received a few weeks ago a fair trial and I can say it very hit and miss... somethings I love and somthing are well..... pants really! Official review coming soon...
I have much to update on but right now I need to go and gargle some aspirin.... think the tonsil ulcers are a result of being majorly run down... job/son starting school/course starting/generall household chores-mother-ness/AND youtube/blogging = not so easy... WHERE IS ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD???