OMG!! It's the age old dilemma every girl has had since the dawn of the fashion era. Just imagine, Elizabeth the first posing for her famous portrait (you know, the one with her hand on the globe while through the window you can see the spanish armada fleet has reached the shore?), So there she is in her favourite gown. The ruffle collar (height of fashion-think fringed triangle scarves with leather jackets today) is in place and she's got pearls in her hair (i dunno, maybe those stretchy plaited headbands?). But she can't seem to find the right shoes.
it's happened to us all. Saturday night, you're wearing your perfect new dress that hugs all the right places and flatters all the rest and you can't find any shoes to go with it. So you change into somthing else and make it your mission to hunt down the perfect pair.
it becomes obsession. You know what they HAVE to look like and you won't compromise. Wedge, platform heel so you have the height but support fo you can dance all night and still walk home even when you drank more than perhaps you should have. Sling back for adjustabilitty (feet swell in heels so this allows for loosening them during the night). Peep toe to show off that mannicure but you don't want a cork heel. The fabric has to be carried over the ENTIRE shoe or else it will loose all elegance and thus it's evening shoe stature. And it has to be Black suede/patent nude/other (delete as appt.)
You find yourself looking in the stranget places just incase. You know the kinda thing. George at asda, TK Maxx (LIDL!) even on holliday! It's never far from your mind.
Then you go to a restaurant and sitting over at the next table there is a girl, wearing YOUR SHOES!!! You ask her where she got them and she says the words you dread 'OH I can't remember, I've had them years!' Noooooooooooooo!!!
You mentally assess her shoe size. She's at least 2 sizes larger footed than you are. You can put up with that. You debate with yourself how offended she's be if you offered to pay her to remove the shoes from her feet and sell them to you. You way up in your mind how far it is to the nearest cash point. Then you realise you are standing staring at an empty seat because the girl had got freaked out by you silently staring at her feet (and drooling) and left the building. Damn!
Well maybe that's just me. But we've all had the desire for a way to create out perfect shoe exactly how we want it. But if only there were a way! Well que the sound of an Angels Chorus because there is!
It's called shoesofprey.com and it's a website where you can not only have fun playing around with the online design tool, but you can also BUY IT when you have finished. It costs about £100 - £160 ish depending on the design which is a lot of money. But these days people pay that in topshop or carvella etc. Ant this way it is CUSTOM MADE to your exact specifications. No compromises. And if it doesn't fit, send it back and they will re-size it till it's perfect -FREE!
WHAT A FIND OF THE CENTURY OR WHAT! I havn't bought any from there yet and I am not rolling in the Lizzies (geddit? cuz americans say 'rolling in the benjamins' for dollars because there's a pic of benjamin harrison on some and we have Good ol' Queen Lizzie on ours!-ah well nevermind! I though it was clever). But I am thinking that it would be a great Idea for when I get married!
Anyway, Here are some of the designs I have created; hope you enjoy!
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