I bought these two button front skirts from River Island recently. I have been
looking for the one on the left in particular ever since I saw a picture of
Vanessa Hudgens wearing her myne olive skirt last summer. I fell in Love with
it. Well the whole outfit actually. So I decided to make it my quest to re-
create it. Unfortunatly I don't have Vanessa's £squillions so I've had to make
do with the highstreet, Thus my quest for that skirt has proved rather
troublesome. I had all but given up hioe of ever finding one to meet the exact
requirements.The right type of floral pattern, onion (or is it tulip or
lantern?- I can never tell) shape AND high waisted. When Low and behold, I
found this beauty lurking on the racks of River Island. But Alas! it seemed it was not to be. Just as it looked like my mission was
complete, all hopes were dashed. They only had 2 sizes left. a 16 and a 14.
neither of which I am. So I asked the unenthusiastic shop assistant who informed me (in a manner
which gave the empression I had asked her to chop her leg off and eat it) that
as this was a new item, stock would be replenished with the next delivery. So for the next 3 weeks I re-visited the shop to no avail. Then to my horror,
I saw that the 2 skirts had been demoted to the sale rack. So I asked another
assistant who told me that they weren't going to get any more of them and my
best bet now lay with the website. Now I don't know about you but I hate (HATE) ordering stuff like that online.
I dodn't know whether I would need a size 10 or a 12. I suppose I could have
ordered it in both and returned the one that didn't fit but it's such a
palava. So I took the rist and committed to ordering the 10 on the basis that
if it didn't fit I would just have to shift the extra poundage. I could
ideally do with losing a stone and dropping to a size 8 anyway. I'm onlt 5ft 2
and I'm just about a size 10. but the shortness and cumbersome chest makes me
look wider. Anyway back to the tale. So 5 days later much to my great delight (and mild
surprise) the size 10 fit (yay!) and I am chuffed to bits with it. Best thing
is it was reduced from i think, £25 to £12. so even with the added £3.95 P&P
it was still cheaper than it would have been had I bought it instore.I have to say, I don't normally shop in River Island. Like Topshop, they do
have some lovely things But I just feel it's a tad overpriced for what it is.
I mean, H&M often has nicer things for less. And I sis find a highwaisted
skirt, even using the same material in republic for less money, but it didn't
have the gold buttons. Each one is different which, in my opinion, gives my
skirt the edge over miss Hudgens expensiveramo version :)
I also bought some strappy flat sandles in gold for £2 from Primark, Bargain or what! Not quite as good as her Gucci ones but I mean really, who can argue with £2? Then I tracked down a copy of her fringed Antik Batik shoulder bag from ebay and it's a pretty decent one at that! I think it was only £6. I got dome aviator style sunnies from Claire's accessories and then just a black vest should do it. I'm still on the hunt for the right type of gold pendant necklace but Jury's out on wht=ether or not that would be going too far and crossing the line over into saddo-ville! hmmmm....
I havn't worn the skirt yet. I'm waiting till the weather's a bit warmer as I want to tan my legs and wear it without tights as Vanessa did. I don't even like Vanessa Hudgens. But she has some really nice clothes. I will take a photo of the finished look when I have everything I need.
The Blue skirt on the Right has an elacticated waist which means it can be worn high waisted or lower if you so wish. Its perfect to wear with a tank and t-shirt tucked in and flats throughout the summer. it cotton too, so it will be nice and cool. It's not as fitted as the other one so it's that bit more casusal.