Well I finally went and did it... I ordered my first little lot from Eyes Lips Face. I have been wanting to order somthing from there for a while now but without a counter/store anywhere near me to try out the products I have been reluctant to part with my precious pennies. So I have relied on the trust worthy word of the pixiwoos and a couple of other carefully selected youtubers to choose products they have recommended that I like the look of;
Here is what I ordered;
1 x Corrective Concealer (#551) Corrective Concealer £3.50
1 x 2 In 1 Conditioning Gloss (#525) Love It £3.50

1 x Eyeliner & Shadow Stick (#378) green/moss £3.50

I wanted the Black/smoke eyeliner & shadow stick after seeing Sam (pixiwoo)demo it in her festival makeup vid but it was out of stock. Ah Well! By Now everyone knows how in love I am with my mossy green eye shadows. Besides, I can't complain when that little lot came to under £24 including shipping and I was even cheeky enough to troul google for a discount code and nabbed myself a nifty 25% off making my total £18!! I can't wait for my little package to arrive in the post!
I'm actually quite excited!